Partnership personalized.

What our partners provide us in technology solutions, we provide our partners in reliable sales and service support.


TenrecX gives you direct access to a growing team of sales Xperts boasting decades-long relationships with their clients. By leveraging the most experienced team of technology advisors in the industry, you will reach more customers and expand into more client segments in the most cost-effective manner.


You grow as we grow. We believe that success breeds success, and we make sure that we complement and add value across all your sales related functions, including lead generation, opportunity optimization, marketing, onboarding, and client success.


We work with you. There is no barrier to access our Xpert Advisor network, which boasts seasoned professionals who remain engaged after the sale, becoming an extension of your Customer Success Program. We share client feedback and engage resources when necessary to make sure issues never become retention risks, ensuring your long-term customer satisfaction.

Simplify. Scale. Succeed.
Our Xpert Advisors are committed to being trusted guides to our clients – and trusted advocates of our partners.
A breadth of client connections to make sure your products get into the right hands.
Forward-thinking advisors who understand our evolving market.
A devotion to understanding your offerings and our clients’ needs, ensuring the right fit and right approach – every time.
Work with us.

Become a TenrecX partner.

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